How Dog Friendly is the Ribble Valley?




How Dog Friendly is the Ribble Valley


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Like many destinations, the Ribble Valley has a host of places that are dog friendly and many that are not.

Most of the pubs in the Ribble Valley welcome dogs, however, there are many, that do not and often these are the ones that allow children to run riot.

When it comes to shopping you will struggle to find shops that are dog welcoming and often someone will have to stand outside looking after your pooch.

It’s actually a real shame and many shops and restaurants are limiting and even putting themselves out of business from their failure to accommodate dog owners and their pets.

is the ribble valley dog friendly

I visited London last year and saw dogs in mainstream department stores, supermarkets, smaller independent shops and many other places.

I got chased out of Tesco in Clitheroe when I carried my puppy in, such is the ‘dated’ attitude in some places.

It’s a shame to say that the Ribble Valley, like so many northern destinations, has a laggard and relatively uneducated attitude to dog owners and the financial clout that they have,

A truly dog friendly place not far from the Ribble Valley

Not too far from the Ribble Valley, the small town of Lytham has a council led initiative that means that every business has to accommodate dogs.

If you visit Lytham you will see many people with dogs, sat enjoying a drink, shopping, walking and generally enjoying the dog friendly attitude of traders and licensed premises.

We travel there frequently, taking the dogs for a walk on the dog friendly beach ( at the weekend it’s great, there are hundreds of dogs all enjoying themselves).

Then, afterwards we will take a stroll around Lytham, drop into a few shops, perhaps sit down for a meal ( at a dog friendly restaurant – yes indoors too with the dogs ) or grab a couple of beers at one of the many dog friendly bars. ( they all cater for dogs.)

It’s not all bad news though

Now, having said all of that, you will find dog friendly places in the Ribble Valley but, it’s my recommendation ( based on years of experience with dogs ) that if you have a specific destination in mind, it is always best to enquire directly with the establishment concerned before taking your dog along.

Until a similar initiative is implemented by Ribble Valley Borough Council, who appear to be more interested in re-building demolished pubs, that stipulates that businesses need to be dog friendly then it really is hit and miss when it comes to canine friendliness in the Ribble Valley.

Think carefully before you commit to visiting with your dog.

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